A toolbox of best practices in knowledge integration.

The Transdisciplinary Toolbox

Transdisciplinary research has been promoted by major scientific agencies as a method to bring together experts and stakeholders to co-produce knowledge that is policy-relevant, salient, and credible enough to inform decision-making about complex problems, especially ‘wicked’ problems like climate change. Too often, this method of collaboration adopts a ‘transactional’ rather than transformative approach.

Through a workshop and writing, we aim to further the idea that transdisciplinarity is a “practice of atunement to difference” (Klenk 2018). Toward this end, we are developing the Transdisciplinary Toolbox: a free set of prompts, practices, techniques, activities, and resources for organizers and participants of transdisciplinary encounters. We build on real-life insights from science and technology studies, leadership theory, sustainability science, and improv theater. Stay tuned to this space for more details.